Government issued identification data – including passport, driver’s license, government redress numbers, country of residence, tax identification number (for property owners) | - Platform Usage and Booking Purposes
- Security and Compliance Purposes
| - Directly from you
- From other Expedia Group companies
- From third parties, such as our business and affiliate partners and authorized service providers
| - Legal obligation relating to booking and/or financial transactions, such as the obligation to maintain books and records or collecting national ID numbers where legally required, including to establish identity of individuals to meet our obligations under applicable laws, including sanctions screening, money laundering and counterterrorism
- Performance of a contract with you, such as to facilitate and process your booking(s)
Identification data – including name, username, email address, telephone number, as well as home, business, and billing addresses (including street and postal code) | - Platform Usage and Booking Purposes
- Communication and Customer Service Purposes
- Marketing Purposes
- Market Research, Analytics, and Training Purposes to improve our Services
- Security and Compliance Purposes
| - Directly from you
- From other Expedia Group companies
- Automatically from your device
- From third parties, such as our business and affiliate partners and authorized service providers
| - Legal obligation relating to booking and/or financial transactions, such as the obligation to maintain books and records, and to establish identity of individuals to meet our obligations under applicable laws, including sanctions screening, money laundering and counterterrorism
- Performance of a contract with you (and any co-traveler), such as to facilitate and process your booking(s)
- Legitimate interest (of you or a co-traveler), such as responding to complaints or concerns, or for marketing purposes
- Consent (including consent of a parent/guardian for the use of child data), where requested on the platform or via customer services
Payment data - including payment card number, expiration date, billing address, financial / bank account number | - Platform Usage and Booking Purposes
- Communication and Customer Service Purposes
- Security and Compliance Purposes
| - Directly from you
- From other Expedia Group companies
- From third parties, such as our business and affiliate partners and authorized service providers
| - Legal obligation relating to booking and/or financial transactions, such as the obligation to maintain books and records and to meet our obligations under applicable laws, including sanctions screening, money laundering and counterterrorism
- Performance of a contract with you (and any co-traveler), such as processing payments
- Consent, where requested on the platform
Travel related preferences - including favorite destination and accommodation types, special dietary and accessibility needs, as available | - Platform Usage and Booking Purposes
- Communication and Customer Service Purposes
- Marketing Purposes
- Market Research, Analytics, and Training Purposes to improve our Services
| - Directly from you
- From other Expedia Group companies
- Automatically from your device
- From third parties, such as our business and affiliate partners and authorized service providers
| - Legitimate interest (of you or a co-traveler), such as honoring your preferences, as well as for any individuals accompanying you (e.g., co-travelers, including minors)
- Consent, where requested on the platform
Loyalty data – including loyalty program membership (for us and/or third-party loyalty programs), loyalty points balance, points earnt and used, loyalty status | - Platform Usage and Booking Purposes
- Communication and Customer Service Purposes
- Marketing Purposes
- Market Research, Analytics, and Training Purposes to improve our Services
| - Directly from you
- From other Expedia Group companies
- Automatically from your device
- From third parties, such as our business and affiliate partners and authorized service providers
| - Legitimate interest (of you or a co-traveler), such as administering or marketing our loyalty programs and benefits
- Performance of a contract with you, such as administering our loyalty program(s)
- Consent, where requested on the platform
Geolocation data – including inferred location from IP address, country selected to use our website, and exact, real-time location (with your consent) | - Platform Usage and Booking Purposes
- Communication and Customer Service Purposes
- Marketing Purposes
- Market Research, Analytics, and Training Purposes to improve our Services
- Security and Compliance Purposes
| - Directly from you
- From other Expedia Group companies
- Automatically from your device
- From third parties, such as our business and affiliate partners and authorized service providers
| - Legal obligation, such as complying with tax or pricing requirements and to establish identity to meet our obligations under applicable laws, including sanctions screening, money laundering and counterterrorism
- Legitimate interest (of you or a co-traveler), such as displaying relevant content in your selected region/language
- Consent, where requested on the platform
Images, videos and recordings – including videos, images, facial photographs you upload or that we pull from social media accounts that you connect to your profile with us (e.g. when you create an account using social media sign-in) | - Platform Usage and Booking Purposes
- Communication and Customer Service Purposes
- Marketing Purposes
- Market Research, Analytics, and Training Purposes to improve our Services
- Security and Compliance Purposes
| - Directly from you
- From other Expedia Group companies
- Automatically from your device
- From third parties, such as our business and affiliate partners and authorized service providers
| - Performance of a contract with you, such as to facilitate a booking or listing
- Legitimate interest, such as allowing you to have a photo associated with your profile, which may be visible to only you or other third parties, as applicable
- Consent, where requested
Communications with us – including emails, chat transcripts and recordings of calls with customer service representatives | - Platform Usage and Booking Purposes
- Communication and Customer Service Purposes
- Marketing Purposes
- Market Research, Analytics, and Training Purposes to improve our Services
- Security and Compliance Purposes
| - Directly from you
- From other Expedia Group companies